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Daily Blog 1: Start of Scrum

Starting off the project, much like many projects before it, we start off with our backlog. We list every item that we will need to accomplish, and then we prioritize into Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4. This initial tier list helps us see a more clear list of what should come first, so that when we make a more specific prioritized list, we have a better basis for where to begin. As is probably obvious, items in Tiers 1 and 2 are a top priority, and therefore get a higher priority number. As tedious a task as this is, it helps us stay organized pretty well. We assign hours to each task, and try to hit a certain hour quota for our first sprint. The last thing on our agenda is to plan a meeting for the next day, and then we all head off for a good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 2: Scrum Tasks and Combat

Our second scrum meeting consisted of placing people on tasks, making sure people are clear on what their tasks entail, and then we discussed the updated combat mechanics. Our Lead Programmer concepted a plethora of new mechanics so that combat would not only be interesting and engaging but also not get stale. This, of course, also led a little bit into a discussion about the player's magic and magical abilities. We lightly touched on the subject of player abilities progressing through the game, but we will be able to better flesh that out once we get a better concept of the new layout of the survival area and the temples. As always, we figured out our next meeting time, and then we all logged off for a good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 3: First Official Scrum Meeting

For today's meeting, we checked in on how each teammate was doing with their tasks. A few tasks were completed, and teammates moved onto the next task. After the scrum meeting was adjourned, we regrouped to work together on our External Talent spreadsheet. We began to reach out to people we know and ask if they would want to work with us on our game. As a team, we dove through portfolios that we had been sent, and we began to designate what each external talent would do, as well as narrow down what we were still looking for specifically. Once we got ourselves going in a good direction, and got as many responses as we were going to get in one day, we departed for another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 4: New Additions

The meeting today was a lot about the artistic direction of the new assets. After scrum, we talked about the direction that we want to take new assets like particles, the "Old One" (working name) at the end of the game, and we also looked at some moodboards for different areas in the game. We established a solid art direction for the survival area and the hub world, and we also discussed a new creature to help keep the player within the map. We ran through some ideas for wayfinding and how to light the level, and were able to narrow down some ideas and get ourselves on a nice general path for where to go with the lighting. As per usual, we ended the meeting by planning a time tomorrow to meet, and then we logged off to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 5: External Work and Planning Animations

We had two meetings today: one to meet up with external talent and one with the team itself. We met with external talent in order to more formally introduce ourselves, as well as to get on base with them about the aesthetic of the game and what direction we plan on taking the game in. Because we want the game to feel tense and make the player almost jumpy as they explore the map. From animations to concept art, every little bit can help us nail the desired aesthetic that we want. We informed the external talent on who they would be checking in with, we told them where we are currently on work for the game, and we adjourned that meeting so that we could get to our scrum meeting.

After our scrum check-in, we walked through the animations that we would perform in mo-cap. We ran through the three bosses and the player to make double sure that we weren't missing anything for our mo-cap session. Things are a little up-in-the-air just due to the nature of how the mo-cap studio works, but we are as prepared as we possibly can be for that. We adjourned the meeting by planning the next meeting, and then we logged off to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 6: Another Scrum Check-In

With this sprint coming to a close in a few days, we are getting down to the last couple of tasks. We are talking to our concept artist about some of the environment art stuff that we'll need. But one of the more important issues that we discussed was what we would need for mo-cap, and what we should do in order to prepare. Once we get the animations, our 3D animators will be able to help clean things up, and we'll be able to really get the ball rolling in terms of getting things in the game truly polished and looking nice. As per usual, we set up a meeting for the next day, and then we adjourned to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 7: Night Before Mo-Cap

We got cleared for motion capture, and after we had our scrum meeting, we went over what animations we would need to capture first. We prioritized the first Boss in the game. Our lead programmer also gave a naming convention for all of the animations, and we input everything into a spreadsheet that we could work off of. It had off the naming convention, what the action was, and the description of the animation. We figured out who all would be in the studio the day of mo-cap, and we logged off to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 8: Mo-Cap Day

We had about two hours in the mo-cap studio to learn the ropes and capture some animations. We worked with three students outside of our group, as well as one other professor. Our lead programmer got suited up, and we began to run through some of the boss's animations. We got almost everything for the first boss's animations before our time in the studio was up. When we came back together for our scrum meeting at the end of the day, we took a hard look at our scrum sheet and evaluated what needed to happen in order for us to finish all of our tasks by the end of scrum. We worked for the rest of our class time, planned for tomorrow's scrum meeting, and we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 9: Post Mo-Cap

We got our animation stuff from the mo-cap from the day before, and we began to hand it all off to one of our 3D animators. We met that night to talk about what we learned, and what we should tackle next. As per usual, the team met for scrum. We discussed concepts and designs, and how we want things to look in the final product. We knocked off completed tasks and got people started on new tasks, and then we slip up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 10: Last Day of the First Sprint

Today is the last day of this sprint. We ended up with completing all of our tasks, and we were able to finish at 0 hours of work left. During our retrospective, we took a look back at ways that we can improve going forward. We evaluated how we communicated within the team, as well as how we communicated with our external talent. As a team, we discussed how we can improve going forward, and we made a plan for how we can improve everything that needed improvement. We chose our next scrum master, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 11: First Day of Second Sprint

We spent our first day going over a task list and Tests For Doneness (TFDs). One issue that we ran into during the first sprint was that not every department consistently had tasks to do and perform, so we decided to better divvy up tasks this sprint so that everyone had something to work on at all times. After a long meeting of putting tasks, TFDs, and hours onto our agile spreadsheet, we gave people tasks to begin on, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 12: Second First Scrum Meeting

We met back the next day to go over our hours. Some of us met with external talent during the day, and we came up with a system for how they would check in with us, and how they would log their hours for us. So our external talent was, for lack of a more fun way to phrase it, set loose on their tasks while we met for the scrum meeting. We had some minor alterations to some tasks, but we checked in and knocked off hours that we had worked. Because of how we divided up tasks, people who had completed tasks were more easily able to move onto a new task, rather than take a few seconds to look around the spreadsheet for something to work on. We then split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 13: Slight Hiccup

Our scrum master ended up in the ER with some health issues, so we had a team member step up as the impromptu scrum master for the night. Our external talent had yet to check in with us again, as it had been only 24 hours, so we did not take their tasks into account for the meeting. Everyone available checked in with their work, and we set up a time for the next meeting. With not a whole lot else to discuss, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 14: Recovery

Our scrum master was still recovering after the ER visit, so we kept telling them to rest because their physical health and wellbeing was more important. We were able to knock off some external talent work before the scrum meeting, and then we were able to get some more tasks completed during the meeting when we all checked in as a team. We set up a time for the next day's meeting, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 15: Back Together

Our scrum master returned, fully rested and feeling a whole lot better! So we were finally able to check in as a full team for the first time in a few days. Naturally, we made sure to ask our scrum master how they were feeling, and we made sure that they were feeling up to returning. We had our scrum meeting and talked about what we needed to do in order to really get back on track after being a person down. We finished up scrum, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 16: Standard Meeting

No bumps in the road came to interrupt us, and the day was pretty standard across the board. We were able to talk with some of our external talent, gave them some feedback, and were able to get some work back from them. This week started midterm week for the school, so a lot of people ended up being busy. We tried not to push our external talent because we wanted them to focus on their own classes first and foremost. But we met for scrum, talked about tasks and what to do moving forward, and we also began to talk about another day in the mo-cap studio. After getting some plans together, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 17: Meeting In Class

We met in class for scrum today. Our professor talked to us about how we were to present our midterm two days from now, and then we split off into our groups. We held scrum and began to talk about how we should do our midterm video. Our scrum master from the first sprint took up the task of recording and editing the midterm video, so we knew who to send assets to. For scrum, we checked in as per usual, and we took up new tasks. We worked for the rest of class, and when class ended, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 18: Beginning the Midterm Video

We normally have our scrum meetings later at night so that people have the day to work on their tasks. Our midterm video person and our lead programmer met earlier in the day to start working on the midterm video and get some shots recorded. Throughout the day, other team members messaged our editor different assets and screenshots to put into the video. When we met for scrum, the editor let us know when was the latest to get stuff sent to them for the video. We held our usual scrum meeting, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 19: Midterm

Our midterm video editor sent the team different versions of the video, and with feedback we were able to get it put together. Right before they left for class, we had one last-minute addition to the video. But we were able to get it in and all get to class. Each group presented what they had so far, and we ended up getting some nice feedback on our project so far. Class was then technically adjourned, but we stayed behind to meet for scrum and to work. We met for scrum, and we talked about when we should meet with external talent over the weekend. We worked until the time that class usually ends, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 20: Sound Check-In

Our sound designers and composers checked in with their respective people today. We were able to knock off some tasks on our spreadsheet, but we were also able to give the sound designers and composers some feedback. They were heading in a great direction, so we mostly just let them know that we love what they've been sending us and to keep up the good work. We had some people feeling under the weather for scrum, so our scrum meeting was very short. We just checked in for tasks, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 21: End of Midterms

This was the end of midterms for us, and a few team members were feeling it. Some members were feeling quiet under the weather after the stress of getting midterm projects and essays over with, so the scrum meeting was very low-energy. We knocked off some tasks, and we got people more or less lined up for next tasks after they finish their current ones. We did not have any check-ins with external talent today, and no questions arose after scrum, so our meeting was pretty short and to-the-point. After some small group encouragement, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 22: The Ringer

One of our team members' computers blue-screened three times today. Two team members have been facing various levels of health issues throughout the weekend and the day. We had to backburner a few tasks, but ultimately it is for the best as that will allow our team to get through the sprint without overworking ourselves. Burnout at this point would ruin the end product, and we also want our team members to be healthy both physically and mentally. But we were still able to knock off a few tasks tonight. We discussed what we need to tackle next and in what order, and we were also able to check in with one of our original team members from the quarter before to see what they were available and willing to help with. We wished each other well, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 23: Getting it Back Together

Our team is slowly catching back up on work. Between tech issues and physical health issues, people are running a bit stressed. During our class, a professor that has been immensely helpful in our mo-cap adventures came to let us know an update for mo-cap. We then set a date for next week where we can go and mo-cap for about three-and-a-half hours, so we started to finish up the animation spreadsheet for what we still need. We worked throughout class, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 24: Second-to-Last Day of Scrum

After a myriad of health issues and tech problems, we took a serious look at our tasks and began to backburner what we feasibly couldn't get to this sprint. Our scrum meeting went quickly, and we were able to knock out a few tasks. We are pretty much down to TFDs at this point. The only thing we had left to talk about was what we needed to get done this weekend, and the team was pretty unanimous on that decision. So with one more scrum meeting to go for this sprint, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 25: Last Day of Second Scrum

After a rough, stressful week, this second scrum came to a close. We had one final check in, ticking off completed tasks and TFDs, and then we had our retrospective. We talked about what we did well, what went wrong, what we can improve, and what we learned. With a myriad of health and tech issues, one thing we talked about was taking better care of ourselves. These health issues were not based in a lack of good self-caretaking, but the sentiment that we should all be healthy was shared enough for this to come up. But once we finished with the retrospective, we chose a new scrum master and started on the next scrum sheet. We took uncompleted tasks from this scrum and put them on the next scrum sheet, and we added more tasks that we would need to get done. This third scrum would be when we begin our social media for the game, so a new user story was added for the game's online presence. Otherwise, the new tasks and user stories were more of the same: polishing assets, upgrading boss fights and player interactions, upgrading UI, etc. We then assigned tasks to people needing work, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 26: Third Scrum Begins

Since we technically got to work on scrum tasks during the last day of our second scrum, this check in did very little for our burndown chart. But, before the scrum meeting, we had two different meetings with out sound designers and our animators. These were mostly check-ins, and the animation meeting included how we would proceed going forward with work and work allocation. We had a slight hiccup due to the project lead having a brain fart, but were able to smooth things out with relative ease. During our scrum meeting, we checked in with our progress, and we assigned new tasks to people who had completed the ones they were on. We discussed what we wanted to have done by the end of the weekend, and how feasible it would be. Teammates offered help to others as much as they could, so that, hopefully, no one ends up drowning in work over the weekend. With that, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 27: Long Weekend

We needed a lot to be done with our level. Friday, our Art Lead worked on a first pass on two different areas, and passed it off to our Project Lead to take over doing second passes on both areas. Both the first and second passes were done by the time the sun rose on Sunday, and the two will immediately begin on the next few areas in the morning. Our hard deadline for the level being one-hundred percent finished is Tuesday, so we only had three days to finish. But we were able to knock off a good chunk of hours for our scrum that night, and our burndown chart looked amazing. But after scrum, and with the exception of the Project Lead, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 28: Team Check-In

We had initially set today as a team check-in to see how we were doing on the level and our other work. But with other classes beginning to creep in, and some minor health hiccups, we were not as far along as we had hoped. But we were still in line to finish by Tuesday. At scrum, we still checked off a good amount of tasks, and our burndown chart was still looking very good. We talked about what we needed going forward, as well as how we would get the level done by Tuesday. After a good scrum meeting, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 29: On a Roll

Despite stresses building up from classes and the mental recovery of the rough week before, our scrum meeting was short and successful. We were able to knock off tasks, and we ended up on the golden line on our burndown chart. We talked about an opportunity that our professor had presented to us in the class Discord, and decided that we would want to talk more about it the next day in class. Our lead programmer let us know what they plan on doing next, and that the team should begin playtesting the boss fights to see how they feel. But after scrum, and checking in on one another, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 30: Thinking About Focus Tests

During class, our professor started us on thinking about doing focus groups for our game. We will be doing them in class, so we will get at least one done. But we talked briefly about if we would want to do one or two more outside of class, and if so when. Our scrum meeting went well, and we are sticking to the burndown chart very well. Some tasks need to be added to help flesh out one of our temples a bit better, but nothing that would drastically mess us up. We worked throughout class, and even got in some testing of our first and third bosses. But after class, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 31: Adding First Lighting Passes

Today was our second day in the mo-cap studio. We were able to get the rest of the animations that we need in one go in the studio, so we considered our time in the studio a big success. During scrum, we checked in and knocked out some tasks. We needed to add some things so that our temples could be more fleshed out and finished by the end of the sprint, but we ended in an excellent position: next to the golden line. Our lighting artist was able to do a first lighting pass in almost every area of the game, but the last remaining area would be done in the morning tomorrow. And, with updates sent along the way, the team is happy with the first lighting passes that we have seen so far. But with all of that said and done, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 32: Class Before Focus Group

Next class, we are doing a big focus group for the projects. Our group will need a build of the game done before class, and with enough time for people to play the game before class. So the due date for a build was set for Sunday. We did our scrum during class, and we ended up still almost right on top of the golden line. Tomorrow, we will meet with our sound designers and animators to check in, and we will pass off to our animators different mo-cap files and meshes/rigs to work with. We set a meeting time for scrum tomorrow, and then we all proceeded to work throughout class. Once class was over, and the team had discussed everything that we needed to discuss, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 33: One Day Before Build

We updated our level with foliage and environmental enemies/hazards. Our lighting gets updated and improved every day, so we were feeling pretty good about the build tomorrow. We planned to get together to begin building tomorrow at 4pm EST, and made sure that everyone was aware of that deadline. During scrum, there was a slight hiccup, and one team member couldn't make it, but we still ended pretty good in comparison to our golden line. We talked a little bit about social media, and about what we wanted to do for a banner. Our project lead talked briefly about LinkedIn posts that the team would make, and then we checked in to see if anyone else on the team had any questions/comments/concerns. But once everything was addressed, and everyone was on the same page, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 34: Build Day

We made sure to stay in touch all day, and update the team on whenever something was completed or added. During scrum, we checked in to see if anyone had anything else to add. We went through our scrum meeting as per usual, and then we began the build. Once the build was done, it was uploaded to our Drive, and the team was notified. We want everyone to play through before our meeting tomorrow, so we made sure to let the team know. But once everything was said and done, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 35: Day Before Focus Group

Tomorrow is the day of the focus group in class. We made sure that everyone played our game, but the other team in class had also uploaded their game. So we also made sure that everyone was aware that they needed to also play that game before class. But once everyone was convened for scrum, we met and went through our usual scrum meeting. We were running a little hot, but one member ended up getting some tasks done after scrum, which pulled us back a bit. But our scrum meeting went well, and we talked about our focus group questions after the meeting. Once we got those finalized, we made sure one last time that everyone was aware that they needed to play the other group's game, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 36: Focus Group Day

We had our scrum meeting before class. Usually, on class days, we have scrum during class because we are all going to be together anyways, so it really just makes sense. Today, we met thirty minutes before class to do scrum, as well as to prepare ourselves for the focus group. We knocked off hours for tasks as per usual, and put people on new tasks if they had finished what they were working on. There were some students in another class there, so some of us playtested their game and gave them some feedback. But when class started, we hit the ground running with the focus group. Our focus group gave us some good critique and feedback. While there was nothing that was unexpected, we also got a better insight into how fresh eyes view our game. We got to see some people play the game in real time, and we got to see how people reacted to our environment and enemies and bosses. Our notetaker made sure to jot down every little reaction that people gave, and they also wrote down every single answer that was given during the questioning of the focus group. All in all, what we got from the focus group will ultimately improve our game. Not only do we want a beautiful game, we also want a fun game. But after asking all of our questions, class ended, and we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 37: Focus Group Feedback

We met for our usual scrum meeting. Nothing out of the ordinary, but we did have to backburner some tasks that would just be better off left for the last sprint. We did not yet need a website, and would be able to get more done by not worrying about it just yet. But after going through scrum and looking at our burndown chart, we talked more in-depth about the focus group. What we noticed, what we took away from the feedback, etc. We took a look at what can improve. We evaluated how they thought of our game as compared to how we want people to think about our game. Something that came up was the combat of the game, and we talked a little bit about what to do to make it easier while still challenging. But once we felt content with our evaluation of the focus group feedback, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 38: Nearing the End of Scrum

This is the second-to-last day of this sprint. We checked in one for scrum, and talked a bit about tasks, where we are, and what we need in order to get the best possible end product. Our scrum master also volunteered the Project Lead to be the next scrum master, and no one objected. But we worked throughout class, and even got set up for some time in a recording booth for updated VO next week. We talked a little bit about updating UI, and let one of our texture artists know that we'll want to update the sand texture around the level. But once class was over, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 39: Last Day of This Sprint

We met for the final scrum meeting of this sprint, and finished off all hours that we had left! We went through our retrospective, mostly talking about what we can improve and what we learned. Things like communication and scheduling were big things that we could improve, and we talked about how to improve those. We then jumped into the next sprint, with the final scrum master taking over with the spreadsheet and making sure that everyone put tasks down that they needed to put down. We went over LinkedIn posts for the week that teammates would need to make, including who needed to post and when. And with that final note, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 40: First Day of Last Sprint

Nothing super noteworthy came of the day or of the scrum meeting. We met, knocked off hours, and talked a bit about what we want done and in what order. Since we should be getting some time in a recording studio for VO lines on Monday, we are wanting VO to be written by then so that we can get all recording done in one day. Then next thing to tackle will be the launch trailer rough draft. The person on the trailer will be bringing rough storyboards to tomorrow's meeting, and we'll talk a bit more in-depth about it then. But once scrum was over, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 41: Just Another Day

Our scrum meeting was not super eventful. We had talked with our animators throughout the day, and we checked in with one of our sound designers about music. We went through scrum together, and were able to knock out a fair amount of hours. We talked a little bit about the launch trailer and how we go about it, and then we also talked about the end of the game for a little bit. But once we checked in and talked about everything that people brought up, we then split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 42: Class Check-In

Our lecture in class was about game competitions, and the beginnings of how to submit Abhorrent Abyss to them. The lecture would continue next class, so more information is coming. The team is going to wait until that second lecture before we really talk about working after the quarter and submitting the game to different competitions around the country. But we checked in for scrum, and were able to bring ourselves down a bit. We were running just a tad bit hot on our burndown chart the day before, so bringing things down a bit today was good. But we then spent class working, and got some progress done on the rough draft of the launch trailer. But once class was over, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 43: Day Before Trailer Rough Draft

At scrum today, after checking in with our tasks, we talked about playtests, the rough draft for the trailer, and when our hard deadline for the end of the quarter is. The only comment about the trailer was that we wanted to have the showcases for Boss 2 and Boss 3 be more visually appealing, both of which are easy fixes. As for the playtests, some bugs were reported to the lead programmer, who made note of all bugs. Along those lines, people who had had the chance to playtest also reported what they liked about the game. We set a time for our meeting tomorrow, and we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 44: Launch Trailer Rough Draft

Today, we presented our launch trailer's rough draft. The feedback we got was expected, but it is always good to get feedback of any kind. But we reported our scrum hours, and then had a lecture to finish off what we would need to know about conventions and expos, and how to prepare for them. We talked about peoples' playtests, and then worked throughout class. When class ended, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 45: Last Week

Today is the last day for the Week 1 weekly playtests for this sprint, so everyone came prepared to talk about playtests. We knocked off hours for sprint, and then talked a little bit about playtests. People reported bugs and things that stood out to them, and some holes in the map were pointed out. We then discussed when we wanted to be done next week, and we decided that Monday should be the absolute latest that we will add anything into the game. Tuesday and Wednesday would be spent playtesting and building the game. Thursday is the last day of class, so we want this to be completely finished by then. Once we were done discussing the upcoming week, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 46: Winding Down

Today is the last Saturday of the quarter, so our team decided to make it count. The person in charge of our VO got every VO line recorded and edited, and passed it all off to our lead programmer. We knocked out hours for scrum, and ended up below the golden line once all of the VO tasks were taken into account. We checked in as a team, and then we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Week 47: Before The Last Week Starts

Today is, naturally, the last Sunday of the quarter. We met to knock off hours, but we talked about deadlines and what we were potentially going to cut off for Monday. Luckily, people felt that they could get work done before Monday's hard cutoff. We talked about expectations for playtests and when we wanted to be totally finished with the project in relation to our last class of the quarter. We decided to have all playtests for this second week start on Tuesday, and have people playtest through Wednesday. We plan on building lighting and packaging the game by the end of the day Wednesday, just so that we have time. But once the meeting was over, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 48: Start of the Last Week

We hit the ground running today as we try to get everything finished for tonight's cutoff. When we met for scrum and go through tasks, we check off the final things to be added to the game. We talked about the website and the trailers a bit, and then we made sure that people were ready to begin playtesting tomorrow. We got one of our external talent people to help with the website, and we made sure to get the last assets handled and ready for the last build. Once we cleared everything up, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 49: Second-to-Last Class

We started off class by submitting our best work of the quarter, and by doing a course evaluation. We then talked about what we would do during our last class, and then we broke off into our teams to work. Our team went through scrum as usual, and then we took the remaining tasks and put them into a task list that we ordered from most to least important. We adjourned the meeting, and we continued working throughout class. We made small edits and fixes to the game and the map, and we changed the location for the intro sequence. Our lighting and UX/UI artist worked on the website, and some other teammates helped to gather information and headshots from the external talent. Once class was over, we split up to go get another good night's sleep!




Daily Blog 50: Day Before the Final Class

With our tasks completed, we met for one final scrum. We knocked off every task on our list, and we went through a Post Mortem. We talked about what we did right, what we did wrong, what we could improve, and what we learned. Once all was said and done, our project lead congratulated everyone on making it through, and we adjourned the meeting. One final build was made. And everyone got a good night's sleep.

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